
Blocki collaborated seamlessly with Beefund, adopting a flexible and sustainable approach. They held weekly meetings to communicate progress, created a beta version of the platform, agreed on modifications, and suggested the tokenomics for the beepoints. Additionally, they worked with the UI agency to ensure a user-friendly approach. This method allowed for quick adaptation to Beefund's needs.

Blocki collaborated with Beefund, a Benefit Corporation dedicated to uniting people and technology to create unique growth opportunities where innovation and sustainability coexist in harmony, much like in the world of bees. In this partnership, Blocki played a key role in developing the backend of Beefund's interactive platform, which enables investment management, participation in projects, and the accumulation of beepoints. For investment management, Blocki developed a robust and secure backend system that allows users to join Beefund's club deals, providing access to projects that generate financial returns while promoting environmental and social sustainability. Additionally, the backend facilitates user participation in various projects, allowing them to discover, evaluate, and engage directly through a secure and user-friendly digital platform. To incentivize engagement, Blocki created a system for the accumulation and management of beepoints, a reward system that encourages active user participation and promotes sustainable and responsible behaviors. Through this system, users can earn beepoints through various activities and investments, and later use them to gain benefits and rewards within the Beefund ecosystem. Thanks to Blocki's expertise, Beefund successfully created an advanced interactive platform that supports investment management, user education, and engagement, contributing to the sustainable growth of the ecosystem. Blocki significantly improved the efficiency, transparency, and reliability of Beefund's operations, strengthening its position as a leader in sustainable innovation.
